Coffee & Community

I can’t stress the importance of being surrounded by good people who share your values.

This has been absolutely vital for me and my faith. I have found that it makes it really hard to follow Jesus and his plan for your life when you are constantly surrounded by people who aren’t. We need to be built up in our faith and poured into by fellow Christians just as much as we need to be challenged by non-Christians.

In college, the best way for me to create a community was joining a campus ministry. College is so hard YO, new people, new place, lots of homework, no sleep, and having people reminding you of Jesus’ love and care for you is ESSENTIAL. Find those friends, and hold them close.

Not only do you need those friends, but you need to be that friend. When life becomes overwhelming and we are run down by the redundancy of our routine, it can be hard to check on others when we barely have time to check on us. Despite this, we need to be lifting our friends up. Remind the people you love that you are praying for them. If you know someone has 3 tests and an essay one week, shoot them a text or phone call reminding them that they are loved, they are capable, and they are in your prayers. It doesn’t have to be big, sometimes it’s just nice to know you are being thought of. If I’m overwhelmed, sad, or frustrated, to be reminded by someone that I have God on my side is so special and changes my perspective.

Make community and cherish it. My most favorite way to do this is over a wonderful cup of coffee 🙂

In love,





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